Donate to WiG

Please consider contributing to the WiG. Be sure to specifiy in the "comments" section which fund you are donating to. If no fund is listed, we will automatically divide your donation equally between the Women in German Memorial Fund and the Zantop Travel Endowment Campaign.

The form below will allow you to make a donation online.  If you prefer, you may also print out the donation form (see the left-hand sidebar for the donation form) and send a check to the WiG treasurer:

Denise M. Della Rossa
University of Notre Dame
Dept. of German and Russian
114 Decio Hall
Notre Dame, 
IN 46556

To maximize the impact of your donation, please consider adding the 3% processing fee to your total donation. For example:

If you want to donate $50, add $1.50.

If you want to donate $100, add $3.00.

To avoid these fees, particularly for larger donations, remember that you may also send a check directly to the treasurer (see above).

The Women in German Legacy Fund

With the 2021 conference, we launched a new fundraising effort with the goal of creating a new endowment by WiG's 50th anniversary in 2025. Suggested giving levels include:

50 for 50 ($50/year until WiG turns 50)

Gifts of Gratitude ($250+)

Wigging Out ($1000+)

Please use the comment box to indicate: 

  1. name of fund/funding level
  2. your name for inclusion on a donor list (optional)
  3. a brief testimonial about what WiG has done for you, and why you are choosing to give back now
The Women in German Memorial Fund
The dissertation prize is funded from the Women in German Memorial Fund, established in 1993 to honor the memory of Sydna "Bunny" Weiss. As WiG lost other dear friends-Sigrid Brauner, Ann Clark Fehn, Konstanze Baumer, Marilyn Sibley Fries-the fund was rededicated to the memory of all treasured WiG members now deceased. The fund is now The Memorial Fund for Research Awards, to be used to fund the WiG dissertation prize as well as a new award for the best article by a WiG member.

Zantop Travel Award for Graduate Students
Inspired by the work of Susanne Zantop, Women in German established an award in her honor to help nurture and sustain research and publication in feminist cultural studies. The award provides partial support ($1500 maximum) for research travel by WiG graduate students. (To read more about the Zantop Travel Endowment Fundraising Campaign, please refer to the information on the left-hand sidebar.)

Graduate Student Memberships
Donate to provide free graduate student memberships that will be awarded to active participants after the conference.

Emergency Fund

Conference support for a member with demonstrated financial need due to special circumstances.

Thank you for your support!

WiG has been recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization. Thus, contributions to WiG are tax-deductible.
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